Academy Application

Universal Ambulance Service’s EMT Academy is perfect for those interested in becoming a licensed professional in the field of prehospital & emergency medical services. EMT Academies run throughout the year and provide a mixture of web-based eLearning, in-person classroom work and practical hands-on training sessions. Training is accessible to everyone regardless of your schedule – depending on the time of the year, our EMT Academy can be completed in anywhere from 4 to 15 weeks.  Contact our Education Coordinator to find the best plan to fit your schedule and lifestyle.

  • Current Class Schedule:
    • Dates: October 2024 – January 2025
    • Length: Sixteen (16) Weeks
    • Class Days:
    • Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 5:00pm – 9:30pm
  • GED or High School Graduate required
  • PDF format required
    Max size 2MB
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Acknowledgement

    In the sections below, please mark the checkboxes to acknowledge each item.

    Marking each checkbox acknowledges that you understand each minimum requirement must be met prior to acceptance into the EMS Academy. Documentation is not required to submit your application and begin the enrollment process, however if available you can choose to upload these items now using the Upload Document(s) section.

    Please contact our Education Coordinator ( or Human Resources Department ( with questions or for assistance.

  • Immunization Records must be submitted prior to acceptance into the course, however they are not required for the initial submission of your application.
    If you have been immunized in the State of Michigan, you may be able to download your Immunization Record from the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services – Immunization Portal
    Immunization records may also be obtained from your physician.
  • Applicants accepted into the EMS Academy must complete a Medical & Fitness Examination with their physician of choice prior to the start of the course.
    Please provide your physician with the following Medical Examination Form.
  • Mark the checkboxes to acknowledge the following additional minimum requirements:
  • PDF format required
    Max size 2MB
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, doc, Max. file size: 2 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.