Cub Scouts lead flag raising

Cub Scouts lead flag raising


Cub Scout Pack 149, which consists of fourth-graders from Mohawk, Ojibwa and Fox elementary schools in Macomb Township, lead a flag-raising ceremony at the Universal Ambulance station in Sterling Heights Sept. 30.

By: Alex Szwarc | Macomb Township Chronicle | Published October 7, 2019

Members of Cub Scout Pack 149 had the honor of raising the flag.

MACOMB TOWNSHIP — Jim DeVleeschouwer said Boy Scouts is all about boys becoming better men as they grow, and learning respect for the flag and America is one way of doing that.

A flag-raising ceremony was conducted at the Universal Ambulance station on Mound Road, north of 16 Mile Road, in Sterling Heights Sept. 30.

Nine Webelos from Cub Scout Pack 149, based out of Mohawk Elementary in Macomb Township, had the honors of raising the flag.

“The ceremony was a good way for the boys to practice their public speaking and build self confidence,” said DeVleeschouwer, Pack 149 leader.

The pack consists of fourth graders from Mohawk, Ojibwa and Fox elementary schools, all in Macomb Township. Each Scout had a role in the ceremony, such as carrying the flag, folding it, and carrying the pack and den flag.

“We noticed our flag was a little worn, and instead of having someone go out, raise and lower it, let’s do it properly and have the kids do it,” said Neil Loos, Universal Ambulance community relations manager.

The old flag was brought down and a new flag was presented.

The old flag will be burned near Mystic Lake in February at the pack’s winter camp, according to flag code.

Loos said this marked the first time a Cub Scout troop took part in a flag raising ceremony at the Mound station.

“One of the badges Cub Scouts, Brownies and Girl Scouts get is a first aid badge, so we do about five troops a year, talking to them about first aid, and have them build a kit,” Loos said.

In the future, Loos said the station plans on rotating between Girl Scouts, Brownies and Cub Scouts to change the flag.
